Friday, November 12, 2010

La Mission

Last night I went to see a SAG screening of the film La Mission which premiered at Sundance a few years ago. I've been hearing raves of the movie ever since then and had really wanted to see it. Erika Alexander did a great job playing Benjamin Bratt's love interest. Plus, she got to have onscreen loving with the man himself. Lucky! Here are the actors doing a Q&A after the film, which was made by Benjamin's brother. The acting was phenomenal.
This is Jeremy Ray Valdez from the film - he played Benjamin's gay son.
Overall, it was a very well acted film, although I didn't love it as much as I expected. Perhaps I just heard too much hype beforehand and had expected more....I'm not sure. Still, I'm stoked I was able to go to the screening. I've always wanted to meet Erika and Benjamin.

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