Sunday, November 14, 2010

Dancing at the Mountain

Once upon a time, my Junior High drill team performed at Magic Mountain - an event buried way back in my memory and only brought to light by the following picture: Super cute, right? Don't lie - I can tell you're a little bit jealous. This weekend, my niece and nephew performed at Magic Mountain in the exact same theater as we did: Their group picture looks slightly different than ours:
They did a great job, though. As an added bonus, they performed first, so there wasn't any lag time waiting around. Stoked! Here are the three tired supervisors of the day - except I only made it halfway through. I had my event to get ready for, though - I had a valid reason to leave early. :) Most of my time was spent in Looney Tunes Land with Max - he was having a blast. A fun time was had by all. :)

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