Monday, November 15, 2010

Busy Shmusy

I don't know why it is, but my days feel completely filled up. How can that be? I'm not working. I'm not dating. I'm not doing anything of note (aside from these brief occasional words I write to entertain the masses). So, why do I feel so busy? How do I spend my time, you ask? Let's see....I see my family. I take a few (cough cough) pictures. I audition for game shows. I interview. I apply for jobs. I drive. A lot. But how does this take up entire days, weeks, months? I feel a little bit (more) insane for feeling so busy. I remember the same feeling when I was out on medical leave after my car accident a million years ago - I spent three months at home and it went by in an instant. But in those days, I planned my days around TV shows. With the invention of DVR, I can watch my shows when it's convenient. Man, I'm rambling. Stupid migraine. Back to bed.

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