Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Apparently I'm A Boomerang

So, last week I was contacted by not one, not two, but three ex-boyfriends for various reasons. If that weren't bad enough, today I received a call from some collection agency regarding yet another ex who'd used me for a reference. Um, what the hey is going on? It's like "The Ghosts of Pinky's Past" are all uniting for the common suck. Either that, or the obvious answer: Apparently, I'm a boomerang.

Let's face it: In all my years of dating, I've never met an ex-boyfriend I didn't like. Even if they drove me crazy, once it was over, their desire in my eyes rose a hundred-fold (that's a word, right?). I don't know what's wrong with me except the obvious assessment: I'm a masochist. I love to be tortured and each and every one of them did so in their own special way. No, not like that (get your mind out of the gutter), but by being too compatible, too irresistible, too good of a kisser, too much of a joker, or the worst of all, being irreplaceable. In all my years there are only two who haunt me on a daily basis - whom I fear I'll never be truly over and miss every single day. One made me feel loved and accepted; the other understood and knew me better than anyone. I don't foresee ever feeling completely like myself again with them gone. Perhaps one day I'll meet someone who loves, accepts, and understands me. Maybe not. Until that day I'll just continue to be the same ol' pink boomerang and see what comes my way.

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