Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Tipping is the New Blech

Is it just me, or does every last store you go to now have some sort of tipping request? Whether it's the tip jar, an open hand, or just the tipping line on the credit card receipt, every place I go these days seem to want more and more of my (hard-to-come-by-so-I-need-to-hold-onto-it) money. I think my least favorite place is the donut shop. Why on earth would I tip someone for handing me a donut over the counter? Or if I drive to Domino's, why would I tip the person ringing me up? I understand the concept of tipping - trust me, as a long-time waitress I lived on tips - but I thought tips were for things done either out of the ordinary or for good service received. How can you measure the service of someone handing you an item over the counter? Does that really qualify as going above and beyond? Because last time I checked, that's what they were getting paid for to begin with. Am I wrong? Has something changed? The thing I hate most is that whenever I have to sign the credit card receipt and put ZERO for a tip, I'm now left to feel like a big, fat jerk. When does it end? Am I alone on this one? Anyone?

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