Monday, October 11, 2010

Sunday Funday

I'm not sure where my relaxing Sundays have vanished to, but today felt jammed packed with activities. The day began early (well, anything that starts before noon and is over an hour away is not the best way to start the day) at a birthday party for Kat's little daughter, E. A party filled with a plethora of little tiny children who all liked to scream. Oh, and I couldn't find my earplugs. Kat and I have been friends since we were in Junior High, so of course I wouldn't have missed the big event (despite that one hour at the party feeling like it'd been an entire day). E was so cute and loved the toy pink microphone (that lit up) I got her to perform with. She kills me with her performances. So fun.
After the party I came home, took a nap, and then went to my sister's for dinner. I'd picked up some tickets for my dad and I to go to that comedy show in Pasadena, but he wasn't feeling too hot, so I took my brother-in-law, Adam, instead. We had a blast - it was his first comedy show ever! Plus, I got to help him get his first celebrity photo (please see above). In the future he's going to need to lose the finger guns if he wants to hang with me, but otherwise he really enjoyed the experience. :)
In addition to Arsenio Hall, I was most excited about meeting Gabriel Iglesias who was my favorite comedian on Last Comic Standing a few seasons ago. He was great, except for making this silly face. In Adam's pic he looks normal. Blurgh.
Oh, and mental note: In the future, try not to be late to the show because you think the big names will be last. They won't. They went first and then left. FAIL.

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