I've been hearing really good things about
The Social Network and have been dying to see it (
especially considering my deep and abiding love for Facebook). As I was trying to kill some time yesterday while in LA, I decided to go and see it (
sorry, Dad). Yes, I enjoyed the movie (
although I didn't necessarily think it was the most amazing thing I've ever witnessed - then again, hearing good things in advance sometimes automatically turns me against a movie, so perhaps my expectations were too high?). It was good and the acting was great - especially Armie Hammer, who plays twins. Hello, where did this hottie come from? He's delicious. Also amazing? Andrew Garfield. YUM. Love them both and really enjoyed their performances. I found the story interesting, although I wonder how much of it is true since it's based on the actual story. Would be fascinating to hear how it all really went down. Check it out if you get the chance.
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