Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Pinky's Fandance - Ryan Kwanten

Slowly, but surely, my True Blood cast collection is growing. Aside from Alexander Skarsgaard, I think I've just about got all of the "main" players (the ones consistent through all three seasons, aside from minor characters). I was so excited to meet Ryan Kwanten last night. I wasn't sure how he'd be, but he was unexpectantly lovely in person. Plus, he's got an amazing accent. Who wouldn't love that? When I asked him for the picture, I was like, "We can do it really fast." His response? "Or slow, that's OK, too." *Swoon* I love not feeling rushed. :)
I thought I cut off his head in the first picture, so I had to try again. He doesn't look quite as thrilled, but that's OK. I still love him.

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