Sunday, October 10, 2010

Pinky's Fandance - Redeemed Edition (Matthew Perry & Jenna Fischer)

I've probably shared this story, but a million years ago I met Hiba and Heidi at Sundance while we waited in line for Matthew Perry. We were in that line ALL DAY (and by all day, I mean ALL day). We sacrificed untold amounts of celebrities for the chance to get a picture with Matthew Perry and he never even showed up to the movie. Fail. Of course, totally worth it to get to know my girls, but a sad Matthew Perry day for sure. Flash forward to today (aka his Day of Redemption for being a no-show to the premiere) when I was sitting outside waiting for my movie to start and who should I see? Matthew Perry, thankyouverymuch (well, duh, what would be the point of the previous story otherwise?). On another side note, he hosted a benefit last weekend that I wanted to go to, but it was at a private residence and I thought showing up outside when he arrived might creep him out. As a fellow collector told me, "He does it, but he's already a little weird about it. The location might put him over the edge." She was right. Waiting was the right move. She was also right about his being a little weird. I actually thought he was going to say no and I'd have to beg and plead, but he said, "Yeah" in a "Yeah, OK, fine" type voice and then made the, um, interesting face above. Oh, well. In every other picture I've seen him take with a fan, his face is always the same. Weird. How does he do that? He's such a good looking guy otherwise. As you may recall, Jenna Fischer shot me down for a picture at the Oscars. Yes, that's right - legions of bigger name stars said yes, but Pam from The Office was too cool, which really sucked considering I'm a big fan of her show. Flash forward a month and the word on the street is that her husband had written a play which she produced and while at the play she was on good behavior. Several friends already had pictures taken (after trying for years to get it and always being shut down) and I knew if I wanted a shot with her I'd have to do the same and brave the play. I actually went a few weeks ago, but she wasn't there, so I had to return tonight before the play ends tomorrow. I'm glad I did! Picture success! Redemption for Jenna! See, there's always hope (hear that Dane? Nancy?). I'm happy to give people second chances....especially since now that I have her picture, I'm done. No need for repeats, I'll never bother her again. Oh, she did appreciate my Ricky Schroder necklace, though. Then again, who wouldn't? :)

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