Friday, October 15, 2010

Pinky's Fandance - Even More Sam Trammell

In case you're wondering, no, I can't possibly seem to have enough pictures with Sam Trammell. I can't help it. He floats my boat. Last night Sam was performing in a show we stopped by to see and were lucky enough to catch him afterwards. As always he was so awesome - I get so excited to see him. Our first picture had some technical difficulty (read: Adam blocked the flash), so we had to try again. The second picture was much better. He's just the coolest guy. The funniest part? He asked if I knew he'd be there. Um, yes. Of course. If I get a Tweet that happens to mention Sam being in a show, I'm going to do all I can to make it to that show. I'm a big fan, remember? That's my job. :)

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