Thursday, October 7, 2010

Pinky's Fandance - Danny Huston

Funny story about Danny Huston - the first time I saw him was at Sundance several years ago when he was there promoting The Proposition. As I'd just watched him on another film, instead of thinking he was an actor, I totally felt like I knew him (because he's got this "everyman" quality, I guess). The entire time he was in front of me, I kept trying to figure out how I knew him instead of just asking for a picture (duh). Flash forward to years later and he randomly breezes into a lobby I was sitting in - surprise! We both were laughing because the security guy didn't recognize him and tried to grill him a million questions. I was like, "Um, really? Don't you know who this is?" After that he quickly posed with me before he had to rush into a film. Stoked I finally saw him again! :)

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