Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Pinky Lovejoy: Culinary Mastermind

OK, so we all know that cooking has never been my strong suit. In fact, my dad was shocked I could even make a grilled cheese sandwich the other day (for the record, I totally can). The other night one of amazing appetizers was a mini grilled cheese sandwich with a little dab of jam on top. It was delightful. I wanted to take it on a date. Today, as I was making my super difficult lunch of grilled cheese (my options are usually grilled cheese, cereal, or macaroni and cheese....what?), I decided to spruce it up with some strawberry jelly. As I anticipated...delightful. Culinary genius, I tell you! Of course, apparently there are plenty of others who do this trick after looking it up online....guess they're geniuses as well. :)

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