Monday, October 11, 2010

Celebrity Wrap Up - Tuesday Edition

Hello and welcome to Tuesday's edition of Celebrity Wrap Up. Why hello there, Andrew Garfield. Aren't you just a sight for sore eyes? I can feel another one of my crushes coming on......
Oh, thank goodness Brad Pitt finally set an example for all the scruffies out there and shaved his face. Edward would be proud!How cute is Ellen Pompeo's little cherub? Hey Miley - If you do the peace sign one more time I will personally cut those fingers off your hand. What's that? You can't promise not to do them? You do them in your sleep? Hmmph. I have no response to that. Carry on.Is that you, Chace? Are you trying to call me? I'm right here. Look this way. No, over here. The one in pink. Helllooooo. Set your phone down and just look around, silly. I'm right here.

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