Monday, October 4, 2010

The Best Band You're Not Listening To

A little known fact about me is that when I was in Junior High (a few short years ago....cough cough...) I was in this little band called KALJ (which stood for Kristen, Aaron, Jennifer, and Leigh - the members of the group - pretty creative, huh?) and pronounced like coll-age. I know. We performed the OMD song called "Secret" at our school talent show and I've never lived it down. Randomly to this day I'll still get the occasional song left on my voicemail. Gah. But I digress. My point to this story was that the drummer in our band, Aaron, moved away shortly after Junior High and is now in a really cool band called Drumfish. He was cool enough to send me a copy of their latest CD called Memoirs and I'm totally digging it.Check it out if you get a chance - you can find it on iTunes.

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