Monday, October 11, 2010

Another Hollywood Tale

So, I had some time to kill on Saturday until venturing over to the stupid Laugh Factory to see stupid Dane Cook (wait, have we covered that already? Crap). I decided to go to the movies and see Life As We Know It which, although it looked completely and totally predictable, I still had to see. I'm glad I did - it was a cute, fun, romantic little movie with beautiful people to look at (hello, Josh Duhamel and Josh Lucas. How YOU doin'?) and a decent amount of funny lines that weren't shown in the previews.
The only thing distracting me from the film was the fact that Sally Kirkland (legendary Hollywood actress best known for Valley of the Dolls) was sitting three seats down from me. All throughout the movie I'd look down and debate as to whether or not it was her. It was! Hurray! I waited for her after the movie and she was super nice. I still can't get over what a trip it was to have her only a few feet away from me - completely surreal!

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