Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Unemployed: Party of One

So, apparently being out all night at the Emmy awards + starting my first day of work = pure and imitigated disaster. I'm not going to sugarcoat things here - sadly, I'm no longer employed. Fail. Now, I could tell you that watching the third orientation video in a dark room by myself was like a sleeping aid and could possibly cure the insomnia the world over, but that's neither here nor there. The fact is that I screwed up. Plain and simple. I thought I could be at the Emmys and then start my job and I was wrong.
Do I think firing me before I'd even started for dozing off for five minutes during the World's Most Boring orientation video was a little extreme? Yes. Do I think it sucks that I wasn't given a second chance to prove to them I could knock this job out of the park? Yes. But I also think I made a foolish error in judgement that unfortunately cost me my dream job. Suck!
Guess it's back to the drawing board. I'm trying to be positive and see the silver lining, but overall I just feel stupid. How could I be SO stupid? How could I let that happen? Granted, if they pitched me over something so ridiculous (as I think there's a big difference between sleeping on the job and catching a few winks during an orientation video about security), then they'd most likely pitch me soon over something minor, so maybe it's for the best. Still, I really thought this was going to be a great job for me; I'm bummed to say the least. Spent most all day crying. Blech.

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