Friday, September 3, 2010

Pinky's Fandance Redux - Rich Sommers

As Rich Sommers' wife just welcomed a new baby into the world, I thought it was best to feature Rich as today's Fandance subject. Rich Sommers stars on my beloved Mad Men and is hiliarous. Our first picture together was at the Mad Men premiere, but it was rushed and he was making a silly face.
I saw him again at an Emmy reception and asked if we could re-do the picture. He remembered me from the premiere and said sure. The funniest part was that we ended up seeing each other at a million other parties the rest of the weekend and every time he saw me, he just laughed. In fact, at the last party he asked if I cloned myself because he saw me everywhere. I thought it was funny. Congratulations, Rich, on your new addition!

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