Sunday, September 5, 2010

Pinky's Fandance - Lorne Michaels

As we all know, I'm a huge fan of SNL - always have been, always will be. I don't care that it's not as good as it was before, I keep hoping it'll surprise me and get back to its Glory Days. My college dorm was decorated in posters from the show and I'm still filled with glee anytime I get the chance to meet a cast member.
At the Emmy after-party the other night, the one and only Lorne Michaels walked out of the bar. I thought I might burst of excitement and am shocked I could even speak. When I asked for a photo, he said, "Quickly." I tried to tell him how much I loved SNL and all he said was he knew. Oh, really? He knew, huh? I guess he gets that all the time. I thought it was funny. :)

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