Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I had the opportunity to attend a sneak peak look at the upcoming new NBC sitcom, Outsourced, last week. From the previews I wasn't sure I'd be stoked on the show, but after viewing the pilot, I've got a much better attitude. The show was a lot funnier than I thought and the characters are hilarious. It's a hard slot to fill on Thursday nights, so I wish this show all the best. At any rate, the cast members were super nice, I was stoked to finally meet Diedrich Bader (right below) from the Drew Carey Show, and I think Ben Rapport has the potential to be a big star. You heard it here first. :)Diedrich Bader (very cool guy)
Pippa Black (impossibly beautiful with an Australian accent to boot)Ben Rappaport (isn't he adorable?)Parvesh Cheena (ooozing with personality....oh, wait. Can you tell?) Sacha Dhawan (yum - complete with a sexy British accent)

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