Thursday, September 23, 2010

Nicely Done, David Arquette

Too often it seems like I'm focusing on all the bad and annoying things celebrities do instead of looking around at the good things. Well, let's see if we can change that after all. Granted, it's not going to be positive all the time because, let's face it, a lot of celebrities do rude and idiotic things, but when someone does something worthy of attention, we'll definitely be celebrating it here.Today's awesome celebrity? David Arquette. I'd been stoked on David previously when I met him at a play, but today's experience far surpassed even that one. You see, today David appeared out of the blue with some friends. He wasn't promoting anything, he wasn't waiting for anything, he was just walking in an alley and saw some fans waiting. At first he asked us what we were waiting for (we told him) and then he patiently went down the line (since we were trapped in a barricade, as I seem to be in far more than I'd like to admit). He signed autographs, took pictures, and talked to us the entire time. Class act all the way, especially when you consider that he really didn't have to do that. He could've seen the mob of rabid fans and pretended not to see us. Instead, he stepped up and made us feel awesome. Way to go, David. You are aces in my book.

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