Saturday, September 4, 2010

Movie Mayhem

It's been a slow week in Hollywood after all the excitement of the Emmys, which coincided perfectly with my need to rest and recover from all the adventures of late (and, perhaps, a *tad* bit of depression over screwing up the new job). Because of this, I've been getting caught up on a few movies. The first one was Going the Distance with Drew Barrymore and Justin Long. It was a really fun film that I enjoyed watching - despite slowing down a bit in the second half. The writing was great and supporting actors kept things funny whenever they were on the screen. While it was a wee bit crass at time, I thoroughly enjoyed it. The second film was Pirate Radio on DVD. I'd wanted to see this when it was in the theaters and I wasn't disappointed. As an added bonus, there are tons of extra scenes found on the DVD, which I would've missed had I only gone to see it in the theater. The cast is great, the story is interesting, and it's a lot of fun. Check it out if you get a chance!

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