Monday, September 27, 2010

It's That Time Again

As I was sitting here bemoaning my fate and wondering what I'd be up to if I were back in Utah slagging away at work, it occured to me that it's Christmas card time in the land of Pink. You know what that means....time to vote! I found this super cute pink card, but couldn't figure out how to upload my pics (the website was being wonky). The second one isn't too the catchphrase lame? I have no idea what pictures even to use....the list is endless! I could have worse problems, right? :)Now, why the 2009 is still in the corner is anyone's guess. Are you shocked to see Bradley Cooper? You really shouldn't be. I'd like to put Sam Trammell on, as well, but I'm afraid no one knows who he is except me and the rabid True Blood fans. Then again, it is my card, right? Where's Ricky Schroder when you need another good pic? Or Nic? Or Benicio? Any of my Top Three will do.

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