Friday, September 24, 2010

Happy Birthday, Ruthie!

Hooray for the internet coming up just in time to put up a birthday tribute to Ruthie! Please note that this was prepared last night, but due to my sporadic internet, it couldn't be properly posted until right now. My apologies for the delay. Ruthie, aka Diet Coke Girl, hates having her picture taken (hence the lack of photos here), loves anything having to do with Diet Coke (but ONLY Diet Coke, don't even THINK about substituting it for anything else. She'd rather go thirsty, thankyouverymuch), and also loves the following:Ruthie is the original Gleek and must be stoked the season premiere happened a few days before her big day.Purses and shoes are to Ruthie like pink is to me....She can never get enough! I'm surprised she doesn't have a professional degree in shopping for purses and shoes because she's the master of it.Of course, who could forget our shared love of online Scrabble? Sadly my phone has decided not to notify me of moves being played so I'm afraid our recent game is going slower than usual, but it's still always fun to play. Happy birthday, Ruthie! I hope you have a magical day filled with all the things which fill your heart with Glee (see what I did there?). :)

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