Saturday, September 11, 2010

Happy 13th Birthday, Spenser!!!

I'm not exactly sure how it happened, but it seems I'm about to be the Auntie of an Official Teenager. That's right - Spenser turns the big 13 on Sunday. Wasn't he just a baby? When did he turn into a little man? Little, of course, is probably the wrong word, as he already towers over me. Fail. He just decided to change his party and will now be having a movie night/slumber party/pool party - the first two things have already happened and the pool party is today (Saturday) at noon (it was just barely decided yesterday, so I'm not sure if any other family will be able to come at the last minute). And, get this, girls are coming to the pool party! That's a co-ed party! My goodness, he's going to be all grown up before we know it.Of course, no matter how old he gets, I'll still cherish the time I had with him when he was the only little guy around and the light of our lives. Don't get me wrong - I worship the rest of the kids just as much as Spens - but there's just something to be said for the time when it was just Spens. Does that make sense?Awww. Spenser the intellectual. Look at his cute little cherub face. He was actually mad the other day because he got a 98% on a test instead of 100%. Brainiac.As we all know, Spens is now at the age where he'd much rather be off by himself or with his friends. I know we all went through that same thing, but can't we just have him around for a little while longer?Spens in the snow. So sweet. So adorable. So cold! Glad to be out of Utah, that's for sure. :) Utah was too cold and Arizona was too hot, but California is just right.
Apparently, the trick to getting some family bonding time with a teenager is to pose with the Beatles star. Works every time. Who would refuse the Beatles? Exactly.
Happy 13th Birthday, big Spens! Sure do love you.

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