Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Celebrity Wrap Up - Tuesday Edition

Hello and welcome to today's delayed edition of Celebrity Wrap Up. If fashion styles could be divided into Good or Evil, I feel like Katy Perry's wardrobe would be all gumballs and dream machines, as opposed to Lady Gaga's dresses made of meat. Yes, Diane Kruger, I'm a big fan of your shirt. I think it looks like candy. Pretty. Why do you look so surprised?Dane Cook actually posted a picture of himself on Twitter from the VMAs and all I could think about was why he'd purposely take a picture (let alone posting it) whilst looking like a homeless person? Nice army jacket. Been in the army long? Other than the douchebag army?
I'm sure Cher couldn't even imagine trying to top anything Lady Gaga could dream up, so instead she decided to recycle her outfit from a million years ago. I'm surprised it's still in her closet or that her hair still did that. Every time I look at this picture, I hear ZZ Top's song "Legs" in my head.

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