Friday, September 3, 2010

Celebrity Wrap Up - Saturday Edition

Hello and welcome to Saturday's edition of Celebrity Wrap Up. Seriously, someone needs to do a Fashion Intervention with Madonna STAT and remind her that she's a style icon, not an 80-year-old woman.
I'm often tempted to wear a housecoat out in public, as well....Hot damn that boy is fine. Too bad I got a tip on where George would be last night, but I was sleeping. FAIL PINKY. My friend is in the background of this picture. One day, the Clooney picture will be mine.....How desperate is Demi Moore to twitpic herself in a bikini? I'm not saying she doesn't have an amazing body, because that's not in question. It just seems like twittering a picture you take yourself reaks of desperation. I'm just saying.
Hey Michael Douglas - Don Johnson called from the set of Miami Vice in 1987. He'd like his clothes back.

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