Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Brad Womack? Oh, Hell No

Last night it was announced that Brad Womack, who famously selected NO ONE on his season of The Bachelor, will once again, be the new Bachelor. Um, what now? Are you freaking kidding me? While it's true that I enjoyed his season up to the point of picking no one and think he's incredibly sexy, I don't see myself getting on board with this decision. Ever. First of all, he had his chance and he blew it. Second of all, not only was he closed off at the end, but he's blown off the show since his season aired. He didn't do interviews, wasn't in any reunion shows, and didn't ever comment on anything. He distanced himself so far from the show it was like he was trying to convince himself that he was ever a part of it. Finally, aren't there other people out there who'd like a chance? Why do we need to suffer through more of the same? While they're at it, will DeAnna be one of the girls? All I know for sure is this: The Bachelor has lost a fan. For good. I will not be watching this season yet again. I'm done. We're breaking up, Bach. I don't want to stay friends.

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