Saturday, September 18, 2010

Big Night Out with Miss Phoe

The other night I had a Big Night Out with Little Miss Phoenix. The whole thing started because one of her favorites, Ashley Tisdale, is in a new show that was being featured at the Paley Center preview week. I was hoping Ashley would be there and that Phoe could finally meet one of her faves, but alas, Ashley wasn't there. I'd actually checked the night before and they didn't think she'd be, so I was able to warn Phoe. Still, she'd picked out her outfit (complete with a fur coat) and was ready to hit the town. While we were waiting to get into the event, there was a little stand selling Pinkberry yogurt for charity. As neither of us had ever tried Pinkberry, we had to get some! We split a raspberry yogurt with chocolate chips - delicious!Ashley didn't happen to come after all, but we did see Gale Harold from Queer as Folk (one of my faves - as we discussed the other day). Phoe asked me if she could get a picture with him and I said sure. So, when he was doing autographs, I held her up and she asked him for a picture. He literally parted the people so that she could get near him - have you ever heard of anything sweeter? I love how stoked they both look in this picture. Aftewards we watched the shows and then did some pictures on the red carpet to commemorate the experience. She was so excited to be in her fur - and especially for all the compliments she received while wearing it. So fun! It was a really good night.

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