Wednesday, August 4, 2010

What Day Is It?

I'm so messed up on my dates and times right now and my normally superior iPhone isn't helping matters much. Somehow it bumped all the birthdays I had programmed in to be either the day before or the day after their actual birthday, so if the person isn't on Facebook, I'm pretty sure I'm going to forget their birthday. Add to this mix the fact that I still have yet to unpack my crafts (read: ability to make/send birthday cards) and you get the World's Worst Auntie. I just remembered that I think my youngest nephew's birthday was yesterday. Or it's today. Or it was Sunday. Why don't I know? What kind of an Auntie am I? I know it's B's birthday on the 4th and Allycat's birthday on the 2nd.....why are those the only two August dates my brain can process??? I'm fairly certain I'm losing (read: lost) it. Deacon....I'm so sorry. I hope you had/have a very special birthday, sweet boy! :) xoxox

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