Friday, August 20, 2010

This One Was Just Right....

My oldest nephew, Spenser, has been clamoring to see the new movie Vampires Suck for quite awhile. As I hadn't seen the kids in a few days, I decided to take the day off from haunting Hollywood and spend the day with my niece and nephews (while also giving my sister a little time to herself - something she doesn't have the luxury of having much of). Spens wasn't thrilled about having his baby sister and brother come along, so I let him bring a friend to accompany him. I didn't want Phoe and Max to be left out, so we decided to brave the movie all together, even though I was afraid they might get scared.
Max made it longer than I thought he would, but then he got scared and wouldn't even walk near the theater for fear of hearing something. Phoenix wanted to leave, as well, so we left Spenser and his friend and went to see Cats and Dogs instead.
Unfortunately, it was in 3D and we didn't have any glasses, so it was pretty annoying to watch. Still, we'd paid good movie to see an entire movie, so I was determined to find something the kids could watch.
Finally, we ended up at Nanny McPhee 2, which was really cute. I'm so glad we finally found something everyone could enjoy, as it was starting to feel like we were Goldilocks trying to find some satisfaction. Granted, we missed the first part, but what we saw was great. The funniest part about the day was Max (who's five) not really grasping the idea of being in a theater and needing to be quiet. Any time he had a question, he'd just yell it out. Repeatedly. In all three movies.
Afterwards, we went to get some dessert and Spens got an ice cream practically bigger than his head. He did a pretty good job of almost finishing it and, as you can clearly see, was more than happy to pose with the ice cream (and by more than happy, I mean mortified). I can't believe he starts Junior High next week! I still think he's two. :)

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