Monday, August 9, 2010

Teen Choice Awards 2010

Aside from falling over my high heels (ouch!), having a migraine (ugh!), and not really being able to get near any exciting stars last night (boo!), the Teen Choice Awards 2010 were definitely an adventure to say the least. I had no idea what to expect, so I had to learn as I went along. Sadly, my migraine kept me out of most of the show (those teenage girls are LOUD!!!), but I did manage to spy one fine looking David Beckham sitting with his sons on his lap. Unfortunately, by the end of the show, all the stars had basically presented and/or collected their awards and left. Look at this shot below. How many stars do you see? It's like a Where's Waldo for celebrities.
Oh, and in case you were wondering - the correct answer is 2 1/2.

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