Saturday, August 28, 2010

Saying Good-bye

This afternoon I drove up to my hometown for a private viewing of my friend Tammy's mom, DeeDee, who passed away earlier this week. DeeDee was such a bright light growing up - she'd take us out toiletpapering, have adventures with us at Girl's Camp, and just was an all-around sweet lady.Tammy lives with her family overseas, so I haven't seen her in about a million years. It was nice to have a chance to visit with her and her family, if only for a brief time. I'm glad I had the chance to go, as it was important to me to pay my respects to her mom. Here's a picture of Tammy with her brothers after lunch. Isn't it awesome that long-time, lifelong friends can be apart for over a dozen years and still pick up right where they left off? I love that feeling.

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