Thursday, August 26, 2010

Pinky's Fandance - Ty Burrell

If you haven't seen the wonderfully hysterical and amazing ABC sitcom Modern Family, you must correct that situation ASAP. While the entire cast is hilarious, Ty Burrell seems to slay me every time I watch the show. When I found out he'd be presenting an award at the Writer's Emmy Reception last night, I jumped at my chance to meet him. Just as I'd hoped, Ty was awesome in person. Not quite as tall as I'd imagined, but really nice and easy to talk to. I was giving him some tips on Jimmy Kimmell - as their cast is scheduled to make an appearance next month and I wanted to be sure they came over to greet all the waiting fans. Hopefully he'll let the rest of them know. :) One member of the show down, many more to get! :)

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