Dear Amazing Hayden,
Although I realize the possibility of you actually ever reading this is very slim, I couldn't let this moment pass without thanking you for how surprisingly kind and genuine you were tonight. I'm not sure many (
or, let's face it, any) other actors would look favorably at three possibly-a-tad-bit-crazed-from-the-heat fans following him from an appearance all the way up Laurel Canyon in bad traffic and then into a private residence.
To be fair, we thought you were going to dinner; it wasn't our intent to end up in a private driveway with your car and our car. That was awkward.

Instead of calling the cops, running inside, having us arrested, or flying off the handle, you were a perfect gentleman - taking multiple pictures with me (
since my camera wasn't working properly - as evidenced above), my friends, and also signing a multitude of autographs. We love you, Hayden. Meeting you was a true joy.

I also wanted to thank you for calling me sweetie when you said, "Sweetie, I think your car is rolling down the hill." It was. In all my excitement, apparently I failed to put the car into gear. Who knew that the emergency brake renders itself of no use when the car is in gear? I just learned something new. Your prompt attention to the matter (
and, again, for not calling the cops) was appreciated.
Thank you, Hayden, for being as nice as I'd always heard you were. I'm blown away by your actions and will count myself as one of your biggest fans from this point forward (
not that I wasn't before....but you might've just found a place in my Top Ten).
Much love and devotion,
Pinky Lovejoy
I realize this post is a few years old; but I've just found it; thanks to a Russian fan page for Hayden, of all things!
What a fantastic account! While I didn't chase him down, exactly; I've met the man as well, and he really is everything you said. An incredibly gracious, and thoughtful, gentleman. I met him back in January 2006 while he was filming Factory Girl in Shreveport. My friends and I semi-stalked him, and found out where they were filming from a paparazzo that was chasing Sienna. LOL He was working, but took the time to visit with us; even stopping to sign something for me when he was being hurried away by someone else.
I'm not sure if you're still a fan, or interested; but I'm co-admin of a message board devoted to Hayden and Rachel. It's a private board, but we've also got accounts on Instagram and Tumblr, if you're curious about what he's been up to lately (quite a bit, actually!). Just follow the link below!
Thanks to Marcia and our Russian friends, I'm seeing this story too for the first time. I recently posted a pic of Hayden with fans to my Instagram with the caption "Interacting...patient...legendary" Your story is proof positive of that to all his fans. Thank you for posting it.
I found this story a one year ago but have no time to translate it to Russian.
I have not thinking then that this old information was be new for my foreign especially american friends.
I'm glad and proud that I was able to find some new for Hayden`s fans and help them to connect with each other.
From Russia With love! @AmazingHaydenChristensen
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