Lest you think I'm a Negative Nelly and only point out times when people FAIL or act like douchebags, I'd like to show that yes, in fact, I can be positive. Today I'm giving a shout out and kudos to those who've gone above and beyond this week. Bravo!

Today I received an email from Nick - one of the band members of Runner Runner - thanking me for putting their awesome single "So Obvious" on my blog. How great is that? I love that he took the time to say thanks! Total class all the way. Sheesh, I didn't even think I could possibly like them more...but I was wrong. Runner Runner (
how cool is their logo??) is quickly climbing my list of favorite bands. Way to go, guys!

Kudos going out to The Cheesecake Factory for not only acknowledging my recent complaint with two different phone calls, but also sending me a gift card to use the next time I go there. Of course, the $15 will buy me, what, an appetizer? But no matter. It's the thought that counts, right? :)

Finally, big kudos going out to my "well connected" friend who sent me a list of entertainment jobs. I've spent a good part of today sending out cover letters and resumes to the 18 + jobs which fell into my scope. Perhaps there's hope for landing a job yet? :)
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