Saturday, August 7, 2010

Just A Small Town Girl....

Mother Baked and I were talking yesterday and she asked me why I hadn't made this move a long time ago? It's a valid question. While it's true I've been toying with the idea of moving for quite awhile, I could never take the leap to walk away from my boring, yet comfortable life. However, after my sister moved here a few months ago, that gave me the final push I needed. Most people say I must feel at home here after growing up in California, but the truth of the matter is that I'm from a small town three hours away from LA. Here's an actual picture of the big mall in my hometown. Granted, it's grown a lot since I grew up, but it basically had one highway, two and a half high schools, and no real night-life to speak of. If we wanted to fly somewhere, it was cheaper to fly from LAX three hours away. I'm surprised by how at ease I feel on the freeways and driving around LA. I never thought I'd feel comfortable here and expected to settle down in a much smaller town. But driving around is quite liberating and I love being near family and friends. Hooray for California! :)

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