Friday, August 13, 2010

It All Comes Full Circle

As you may recall, my first celebrity photo was with Jason Bateman when I was 12. While I love the photo and think it was a great story, I think we can all agree the picture's a little dated. After the shoot got wrapped tonight, Adam called to let me know that he saw Jason Bateman going into a movie, so I went over to meet him and hopefully catch Jason on the way out. He's actually got a premiere on Monday for The Switch, but premieres are always crazy; if I could get him tonight, it'd be one less thing to stress over next week (as getting a job already takes up all my free time for stress).
For some reason, I thought Jason would enjoy my story about the first picture and might even like to see the picture. Well, I was wrong. He didn't. In fact, he didn't really care what-so-ever. Oh, well. At least he did the new picture, right? Of course, it was a little begrudgingly, but that's OK. Perhaps he had things going on that I don't know about. I'm still stoked.

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