Monday, August 30, 2010

I'm a Believer

While I've been a fairly loyal fan of my Canon digital camera with the flip screen for many years, it's so bulky and cumbersome I tend to drop it all the time. Lately it's been taking some shoddy pictures like this one below: How does one go from taking this type of picture (above) to taking this kind of picture (below)? The answer? Just add a Nikon coolpix camera. In my haste and frustration at my suck camera yesterday, I ran quickly to the store and picked this one up at the last minute. I had no idea if it'd work or if I'd be able to aim correctly, but I was SO pleasantly surprised. This camera is a rock star. I worship the size, the speed, the convenience, and the picture quality. Thank you, Nikon! Love it!
I'm a believer. See you later, Canon camera. I'm with Nikon now.

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