Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Celebrity Wrap Up - Wednesday Edition

Hello and welcome to today's edition of Celebrity Wrap Up. While I'll admit to not really following Ali's season as closely as I would've liked to, I did read about the finale and was incredibly impressed by how she handled it. She and Roberto look really happy and I wish them all the best. Please, oh please, have a couple other than Trista and Ryan make it. Please!I'm not really sure what kind of look Carrie Underwood was going for here. Naughty school boy? Lady Gaga? A combination? Whatever it is, apparently married life has made her a bit daring. :)
OK, Ke$ha, we get it - you're WILD and crazy and wear blue lipstick. Now knock it off and try to be normal. Just sing and don't make us look at your Halloween costumes anymore, m'kay? Eva Mendes is supposed to guest star on Jimmy Kimmel tomorrow and I'm not sure I want to go because I'm not sure she'll come over and pose. Actually, the real reason is that if she does decide to pose, I'm going to look like yesterday's trash in comparison to her beauty. Since when are David Blaine and Woody Harrelson BFFs? Seems like an unlikely combo to me.

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