Thursday, August 5, 2010

Birds of a Feather....

I'm constantly in awe of the whole lifestyle of those who seek out celebrities for autographs and pictures. I feel as though I've been let into some secret society where all the members recognize each other, but may only giving a passing glance when at events. Everyone has different motives - some do it as a living, some do it as fans, others do it for fun. There are lists, plans, and even lingo that you learn as you go along. Since I'm the newbie, I'm lucky to have people teaching me the ropes. Everyone has different things they specialize in - reality stars, Disney stars, or random lesser-known people. Still, it's a lot of fun and I'm always interested in learning what it's all about.

At every event I attend, I like to chat up those around me to hear all the stories. Yesterday I met a couple who've been collecting together for years - they do autographs and pictures. Earlier this week I met a mother and son who came over from Australia and now actively stake out restaurants and events where they might see celebs. A few of Adam's friends are girls who get pictures with their moms and have done so for years. It's completely fascinating to me since I never knew this world existed. I can't even imagine star searching with my parents - they can barely recognize the pictures I get as it is. The girl yesterday had her mom looking out for celebs and then she'd call us if she saw anyone. Amazing.

Of course, on the downside, these people are serious about their stuff. I do it for fun and entertainment - but as much as I enjoy it, as I've said before, my life won't change one bit regardless if I do or don't get a picture. However, these other people depend on these autographs for their living. They're serious and secretive and if you share information with the wrong people, you'll be cut out of the loop. I don't understand this as much because I don't see anything wrong with everyone helping each other out - especially when everyone likes or needs different people. What's the harm in sharing information?

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