Sunday, July 11, 2010

Thrilling Adventure Day

Today was a super fun day spent at The Grove mall with my BFF (since we were 14), Lanette. I'm so excited to live close to her again - we're within a few hours of each other now, so we decided to meet in LA for a big adventure day. We started off having lunch at The Cheesecake Factory (yum!) and then had a bit of an indie race driving to Pasadena for my job interview (as a side note: I start working on a film next weekend....not to brag, but that's how I roll). After the interview, we came back to The Grove to explore and it just might be my new favorite place on earth. They have EVERYTHING there - cool stores, celebs, a Farmer's Market, even (get this) glass necklace pendants (!) like the ones I loved in Salt Lake. Not kidding at all. Plus, they were only five dollars. Score! From there we headed over to The Largo on La Cienega to see a show called The Thrilling Adventure Hour. It's a monthly show acted out like an old-time radio program and it was a BLAST. Loved it. Will definitely go again. The best part was showing Lanette "the ropes" on getting celeb pics. She'd barely even seen a celeb in person before, let alone had the courage to ask for a picture. Well, that's not the case anymore! Her collection is starting today. :) p.s. If you're heading to The Cheesecake Factory anytime soon, definitely have the Red Velvet Cake Cheesecake. To. Die. For.


  1. Yay for our fun day of Thrilling Adventures! Can't wait to meet up again...

  2. I wonder if Josh Randall ever looked up your blog... I think you need to add his picture. It was destiny that he was in the Apple Store.
