Thursday, July 8, 2010

Pooped Out Pink

My apologies for the delayed blogs, but I'm wiped out. Between the move and being sick, I feel like I've been run over by a truck. Have I mentioned I've also lost my voice? Oh, yeah. It's a dream. I love sounding like I should work for a 1-900 number. For some reason, even doing a little bit of work (like unpacking) wears me out. I seem to want to be napping all the time. Of course, I do need to factor in my cold and possible bronchitis. I seriously might cough up a lung here if I'm not careful. The good news is that my sister and I finally got my room "staged" today - meaning we've put everything where we'd like it to go. Now, there's still a garage full of pinkness that needs to be put away, but we'll get there. One box at a time. Luckily my sister is a champ at organizing and unpacking. I'm rather excited to see how it all turns out. :)

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