Sunday, July 11, 2010

Pinky's Fandance - Josh Randall

Before I begin today's Fandance, I'd like to give a little shout out to Apple for continuously making new and improved products that don't always work the first time around and force me to return to the Apple store. Apparently they knew what they were in for because their warranties are superb and I'm always able to exchange the defective item for a new one with no questions asked. Thanks, Apple. Because of my need to return an item to Apple today, I was happily able to meet and get pictures with the one and only Josh Randall. *Swoon* If you ever watched the amazing TV show Ed, you'll remember Josh as being Ed's best friend, Mike. I loved him on that show and everything else he's ever been on (wow, gush much?).
I saw him come into the store while we were waiting for more help and I was giddy as a school girl. Lanette thought I should probably let him deal with his computer issue, but of course I couldn't just stand idly by. It was JOSH RANDALL. So, I sauntered up to him and we started talking and he was the nicest guy ever. I know I say that all the time, but seriously, this guy ruled. The only almost-FAIL was that he *tried* to decline a picture saying "he didn't do that" (has he been talking to Sandra Oh?), but I guess he couldn't resist two blondes wearing him down. :) The funniest part of the story is we somehow started talking about the blog and how to find it and I told him to just, "Pinky Lovejoy me." I had no idea Pinky Lovejoy-ing someone was now a verb, but it is now. :) WIN.

1 comment:

  1. And don't forget that he was on "Pushing Daisies", the best show ever!
