Friday, July 16, 2010

Pinky's Bitch Back

While I realize I'm *rarely* ever negative on here (ha!), I'm afraid that'll have to change today. This week has had many an annoyance and I thought I'd share them with you.
My iPhone battery has the lifespan of a 90-year-old man's bladder. It's driving me crazy. As my car charger is still not working, I'm left to ask random strangers in restaurants and stores to charge my phone. Classy.Normally I'm a pretty big fan of The Cheesecake Factory, but the other day I made a mis-step and ordered the pizza and salad for lunch. When I told the waitress that my pizza tasted like a frozen pizza, she assured me that they made them there. Well, duh. I wasn't actually accusing them of serving up a Tombstone (although that would be far better than the crap they tried to pawn off as pizza); I was just letting her know that their pizza is crap. Her attitude about it was rude enough to inspire me to write a strongly worded email. Here are two things that should never, ever, ever go together. An old lady + spaghetti straps that show her bra:I had the misfortune of witnessing this yesterday in Pasadena and it wasn't a pretty sight. I realize it's hot, but that should never, ever be a reason to see a grandmother's bra. Ugh. My eyes are still bleeding.The Barnes and Noble at The Grove had two unpleasant workers when I was there the other day. The first was a grandmother (luckily not wearing spaghetti straps) who, when I asked her if there was another Starbucks in the mall, told me that this wasn't a Starbucks, it was a Barnes and Noble. Yes, I know that, granny, but there is a Starbucks on the third floor of the bookstore. Annoying. Then, when I went to use the little girl's room, a disgruntled employee decided to take his sweet time cleaning the restroom. So much time, in fact, that the girl behind me took a stand and told him it was emergency and he could finish mopping later. He angrily told her it'd be a few more minutes and there were other bathrooms in the mall. Rude. Apparently working at that bookstore makes employees mean.
You probably can't read this sign, but it was a picture I took with my iPhone as I was on La Cienega the other day. The sign says "Vegetarian/Vegan Buffet." My question (and my apologies to all the vegans out there who are going to think I'm challenged in some way) is this: Isn't that just a salad bar? Why all the fuss? Sure it might have tofu on it, or whatever, but don't some salad bars have that anyway?

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