Tuesday, July 27, 2010

An Open Letter to Mykelti Williamson

To: Mykelti (or however you pronounce that):
I'm not sure you know, but no one has seen you onscreen in a very long time. In fact, the last time I remember seeing you at all was on Forrest Gump when you played Bubba. Do you know how many years ago that was? That's right. A long time ago.
Here's the thing: If someone asks you to take a picture with them: TAKE IT. Tonight my friend asked you for a picture and, even though he knew the movie and your character's name in the movie, he didn't remember your first name exactly. You know what? It happens. I know your first name, but I don't care. Who could pronounce it anyway? When he asked you for a picture, instead of being courteous and gracious (and grateful that anyone even remembers your stupid face), you asked him if he knew your name. When he stalled, you said, "Peace out" and walked away. CLASS-LESS.
Please get over yourself and try to remember that the world will still rotate without your big, fat head in it. No one gives a crap about you anyway. Stop being a prick.
Pinky Lovejoy

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