Monday, July 12, 2010

An Open Letter to Laurence Fishburn

Dear Too-Cool-For-School-Fishburn, The other night I was outside of a play you're starring in at the Geffen Playhouse waiting for the actresses from a different play to come out. While I was standing there, you sent one of your goons to come out and ask the three (including me) fans/autograph seekers, to please don't even ASK you for an autograph, as you're tired of being asked. Really? REALLY?!?! Is it so hard and terrible to have people ask you for your stupid autograph? I didn't even want one, but the fact that you sent someone out to tell us not to ask made me want to find an entire group of people to come over and bother you for one. What makes you so superior and holier than thou that you don't even want people to address you? It's not like they're waiting outside of a restaurant where you were eating. They were waiting OUTSIDE YOUR PLAY. Where YOU perform. For FANS. Remember? Thank goodness I didn't make the mistake of asking the mighty Laurence for an autograph. Heaven knows how you might've been offended. Unsincerely yours, Pinky Lovejoy

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