Wednesday, July 14, 2010

An Open Letter to Carrie-Ann Moss

Dear Carrie-Ann, May I call you Carrie-Ann? Oh, good. You see, I was confused because tonight as you walked ten feet in front of me and I lovingly called out, "Carrie Ann" you completely and totally ignored me. Yes, I realize you were leaving a movie premiere and thought going out the opposite way of the crowd would be a smart move, but guess what? One single fan recognized you. Yes, that's right. I said fan. At least I was. To clarify, I'm not your fan because you were on The Matrix. That was nice and all, but I'm a diehard fan back from the days of Models, Inc. Remember that show? Some bizarre creation of Darren Star's that totally jumped the shark? Yeah, I watched it anyway. So, I knew it was you without a doubt tonight. Even if you couldn't have stopped (although, really, would it have been so hard?), at the very least you could've waved. Acknowledged I called out your name (more than once at the front of a large mob - none of which recognized you. Except me.) I'm very disappointed in you, Carrie-Ann. I thought we were better friends than that. Frustrated, Pinky Lovejoy

1 comment:

  1. That sucks! I wouldn't stop being a fan though.. maybe she was just frazzled leaving the premiere and didn't hear you?
