Friday, July 30, 2010

Odds and Ends

It's been a busy week. Now that Adam's back in town, I seem to be going to LA a lot more (either working or hanging out) and I'm in dire need of a day off. Luckily, tomorrow will be that day. Hooray!
In other pink news, I'm almost totally unpacked. Well, the boxes are about done - then we just have the bins and a bit of organizing and it's done. I'm hoping the end is in sight because it'll be nice to finally feel settled. While my room is decorated and getting close to being done, overall this month has felt a bit like I'm on vacation. I don't even know what day of the week it is most of the time. Next week I'm getting serious: More work, less play. Even if I have to donate/sell my plasma, at least there'll be some money coming in, right? Right.
While we've been getting some great pictures, I'm afraid the toll on my feet is quite high. Please note: this isn't an exact picture of my feet, but it's not far away from what they look like - huge blisters all over the bottom. Hey, tracking celebrities is hard work!
The roomie situation is good. I know my late nights stress my dad out a bit, but I must admit it's fun to come home and share the details of my day with him. He's a good sport about humoring me and looking at all my pictures, even if he has no idea who they are. Now I just need to make some $$ so I can start contributing around here.

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