Saturday, July 31, 2010

My Dog Has Fleas

This morning I woke up with a stomach looking like it caught the chicken pox. Considering I've had the chicken pox twice already, I knew that wasn't the problem. I started thinking about what's been in my room and finally found the offender: My sister's stupid dog, Porter. Guess what? Porter has fleas. Porter's been hanging out on the rug in my room when they visit. According to everything I've read, the fleas can then jump into my bed and waa-laa....I'm a flea buffet. Gah.
In case you were wondering, yes, this is an actual photo of an area of my stomach. That's just one gets worse. Blech.Stupid fleas. Stupid dog. Of course, none of their family got bitten....just me. How could I be so lucky?

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