Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Movie Premiere FAIL

Take a look at the picture to the right. Of all the people in the cast of Inception, which one would you peg to be the nicest? Which ones would you bet would definitely greet the throngs of waiting fans and do autographs/pictures? Ellen Page? Cillian Murphy? Joseph-Gordon-I'm-a-douchebag-Leavitt? Michael Caine? Lukas Haas? Ken Watanabe? I was certain it wasn't going to be Leonardo DiCaprio, because he's the biggest thing ever. I thought for sure most of the rest of the cast would be friendly. Guess what? After waiting at the Inception premiere outside of the Graumann theater for, oh, more than EIGHT hours, I walked away with ZERO, NADA, Zippity dooo da pictures. FAIL. Now, I realize these are big events and you're not going to get everyone, but not even one? I should've known the entire thing was doomed when the F list celebs wouldn't even come over. Not a good sign. Not a good sign at all. Leo, however, was a champ. He signed autographs from one side of Hollywood Blvd to the next - stopping, of course, TWO PEOPLE AWAY FROM US. Suck suck suck. Now, granted, I imagined getting a picture with Leo might be challenging, but I had to try. Still, being that close to him in perimeter? Dreamy. He was lovely. Yum. The rest of the cast? Douchebags. Even the F-listers like Phoebe Price (you're saying, "Who?" Yeah, I know, right? How do we get stood up by that?) and Kimora Lee Simmons blew us off. Oh, Ellen gave us the peace sign. Lame. Miley's already used that one up, toots. Luckily, the day passed quickly after meeting a new friend and hanging out with a somewhat new one. We were like the Three Musketeers and had so much fun. I guess some good came out of the day after all. Stupid cast.

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